

  • 1st
    50 pts
  • 2nd
    30 pts
  • 3rd
    15 pts


  • Each team will consist of 2 members.
  • There can be maximum 3 teams from each hall/hostel.
  • Each match will be knockout.
  • When placing the striker on the board to shoot, the striker must touch both 'base lines'.
  • The striker may not touch the diagonal arrow line. For 'back-shots' you may only use your thumb or the scissors technique.
  • No part of your body, except your hand, may cross the imaginary diagonal line nor may your elbow protrude over the frame in front of you. Even your feet or knees may not leave leave your quadrant.
  • Sinking the striker causes you one piece and your turn. But, if you sink a piece in the same shot then the two come up and you shoot again.
  • After sinking the striker, your opponent places the due piece(s) within the center.
  • If a piece jumps off the board, it is placed on the center spot. If pieces land on end or are overlapping they are left that way.
  • If you sink your opponent's piece, you lose your turn.
  • A game consists of 29 points or 6 boards, whichever comes first.
  • In case of any dispute, organizer's decision will be final.


Hemanta Besra

Paramjeet Hansda

Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved by Wolfame organisers and IIEST, Shibpur.